Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Missing Sister Series

lately i've felt really alone without my sister in my life. these photos are a project exploring the subject of being alone while feeling like a child in the skin of an adult. Playful, whimsical, a little lonely, but remaining the master or mistress of your own little world.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Bozeman Maze

Bozeman is so cool. It erected this maze out of hay bales, a labrynth for the kids to run around in. The scent of baled hay was strong. No one noticed the chill in the crisp fall air because of the sun trying to beat down it's remnant rays on us. Here are a few pictures I took out there.


To see more, go check out my website at

Autumn in Bozeman, Montana

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Summer to Fall in Montana...

(c) clare parsons photography
(c) clare parsons photography
(c) clare parsons photography

(c) clare parsons photography

(c) clare parsons photography 

(c) clare parsons photography 

(c) clare parsons photography

(c) clare parsons photography 

(c) clare parsons photography

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I went for a day trip out to Chico Hot Springs this last weekend. It was gorgeous, and you could feel that it was one of the last summer nights. I stopped outside this little bar and took some pictures of the locals and had a 7-up. (I had a long drive home) Here are some of my pictures.


by: clare parsons

by: clare parsons


by: clare parsons

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Raw Food and Photography

I thought I'd give my Mom a shout out. She has her own blog, which is wildly successful at

Raw Food Blog!

She's so incredible! Since I was running down memory lane last night, and I woke up just feeling ridiculously refreshed today, I couldn't help but want to post this immediately. To anyone that thinks that raw food is all crappy hippy food, think again.

I am a full blown carnivore, and her raw chocolates and kale chips are two of my favorite things to eat! Cheers!

I'm making more lumen prints today. The first batch turned out....meh... but now I have a feel for what I'm doing.

Did you know that fruit has a chemical reaction with photo paper? So do leaves and metal and feathers... SOOOOOOO weird.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Memories as Art

somehow i would like to capture photos of the memories i have bottled in my head...

just as i was headed to sleepy time tonight i was flooded with memories of my childhood. my toes curled through our old crocheted blanket, the smell of my mom's noxema, the sand in between the sheets on the bunk beds in our cousin's house... my sister.

above all my sister.

how do you recreate one of those, made entirely out of photos.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Fun With Lumen Prints (Luminograms)

I'm taking Experimental and Alternative Processes in Photography by Christina Z. Anderson. Our first assignment: luminograms.

So, basically, you take photosensitive paper, and cover bits and pieces with objects of different translucence and texture, you leave them out for extended periods of time in direct or indirect light and THEN, instead of developing them, you stick the pieces directly in fixer.

I looked like a mad scientist in my back yard :)

by clare.parsons

by clare parsons

by clare.parsons

by clare.parsons


As the seasons change, the earth changes as well, changes us. Pressures drop, anxieties are qualm-ed, old, empty things are grown over again and reclaimed by life. I am excited for the life I have made, the things I have learned, and the beauty of life again.

by clare.parsons

Friday, August 30, 2013

Tintypes and Excitement

I LOVE it when I find a new (to me) photographer that gets me excited! I just love seeing the world through their eyes and it gets my creative juices flowing. Wahoo! I found Harry Taylor. He is AMAZING!

Harry Taylor is a fine art photographer based in North Carolina. Harry mostly works in the Wet Plate Collodion process, this involves large format cameras, up to 16x20 and on site processing in a portable darkroom. This work explores the American South; Harry's home and base.

I learned how to do this process last year and I LOVED IT. The Wet Plate Collodion Process stains your fingertips a dark brown color and it just made me feel like I was making art again. There's something to be said about getting your hands dirty, don't you think?

tin type
by harry.taylor

tin type
by harry.taylor

Definition From Wikipedia:

Tintype, also melainotype and ferrotype, is a photograph made by creating a direct positive on a sheet of iron metal that is blackened by painting, lacquering or enameling and is used as a support for a collodion photographic emulsion.
Photographers usually worked outside at fairs, carnivals etc. and as the support of the tintype (there is no actual tin used) is resilient and does not need drying, photographs can be produced only a few minutes after the picture is taken.

Cool Breezes

Well, I woke up today and the air has changed here in Montana. The pressure has dropped a little and I can feel Autumn creeping in. The apples in my back yard have dropped to the ground and are in various states of decomposition. I'm finding bones that my dog Pickle has brought onto the property. The few tomatoes you can grow here in Bozeman are a lovely shade of green-orange. I had to sleep with my door closed for the first time in months. I welcome the changes whole heartedly. Au revoir summer.


photo by clare.parsons

photo by clare.parsons

photo by clare.parsons

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Accidental Pictures

Don't you love it when you start going through archived photos of your own, and you find something that you might have previously overlooked, and then you see something you took, that with a little bit of editing, might be great? I found this one yesterday.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

More of the Lovely Kennedy

This is Kennedy G. She is a Senior in High School this year and her and her family flew out to Montana from Michigan so that they could be here for her sister's new baby, and so that I could take their picture!

The fires made the smokey air hard to breathe, but the smoke made the light beautifully diffused. These were all taken at Hyalite Canyon, about 15 miles outside Bozeman, Montana.

They turned out beautiful, but it make my job easy when you have a beautiful model...


Grandpa Howard and Me

This is a picture of my Grandfather, Howard R. Delaney. I really grew up with him as a father figure in my life. We used to talk and talk and talk. Recently, I started doing some research into my family history, and my 2cnd cousin sent this to me. I love it!

Shortly after I received this photo, my uncle Martin sent me one of me as a baby! I think we look alike. What do you think?

Howard circa 1916

Clare circa 1984